OEC 9800 Large C-Arm for Sale, Lease or Rent
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- 60kHz high frequency
- 15kWpower
- Up to 120kVp
- Up to 75mA for radiographic film exposure
- Continuous high-level fluoro (HLF) up to 20mA
- Digital spot up to 75mA
- Digital cine pulse:
- 15 pulses per second, 60 Hz
- 12 pulses per second, 50 Hz
- Up to 150mA
- 10ms pulse width
- Full power from standard wall outlet
- Patented Battery buffered design
- Rotating anode x-ray tube
- 0.3 and 0.6 nominal focal spots
- Anode heat capacity: 300,000 HU
- Anode cooling rate: 85,000 HU/min
- Housing heat capacity: 1,600,000 HU
- 9″ (23cm) Standard C-Arm housing cooling rate 15,000 HU/min
- 9″ (23cm) Super C-Arm and 12″ (31cm) Standard CArm housing cooling rate 22,500 HU/min
- Digitally adjusts image display
- Image update
- Image rotation
- Image reversal (side-to-side)
- Image invert (top-to-bottom)
- Image positioning without additional exposure
- On-screen collimator position indication
- PreView iris collimator
- PreView Tungsten rotatable double leaf collimator
- Adjusts collimators without x-ray exposure
- kVp range: 40-120
- mA range:
- 0.2-10 normal mode and operator
- 0.2-20 HLF (high level fluoro)
- Auto and manual fluoro modes
- AutoTrak ABS varies mA, kVp, camera gain
- kVp range: 40-120
- mA range: 0.2 -10
- Pulse rate: 1, 2, 3, 8
- Pulse width: 25 or 50 ms
- AutoTrak ABS, mA, kVp, camera gain
- Reduces x-ray dose to patient and operator
- kVp range: 40-120
- mA range: 0.2-40
- Pulse rate: 1, 2, 4, 8
- AutoTrak ABS, mA kVp, and camera gain
- kVp range: 40-120
- mA range: up to 150
- Pulse rate: 15 pps (60 Hz), 12 pps (50Hz)
- Pulse width: 10ms
- AutoTrak ABS, mA, kVp, camera gain
- mA range: up to 75
- mAs range: up to 300
- Computer controlled exposure time
- Optional film cassette holder
- 10×12″ for 9″ II
- 14×14 for 12″ II
Includes all the GSP features and:
- 200 or 400 image storage
- Zoom and roam function
- Image annotation
- Measure software
Includes all the ESP features and:
- Real-time digital subtraction (DSA)
- Peak opacification
- 8fps dynamic digital disk
- Recording /playback rate: 1, 2, 4, 8fps
- Recording time: 5 minutes @ 8fps
Includes all the ESP features and:
- Real-time digital subtraction (DSA)
- Road mapping
- Peak opacification
- Re-registration
- Variable landmarking
- Mask save/recall
- Auto cine loop playback
- Digital cine pulse mode:
- 15 pulses/sec
- Up to 150mA
- 10ms pulse width
- 15fps dynamic digital disk:
- Recording/playback rate: 1, 2, 4, 8, 15fps
- Recording time: 10 minutes @ 15fps (time depends on record frame rate)
Includes all the Vascular features and:
- 30fps dynamic digital disk:
- Recording/playback rate: 1, 2, 4, 8, 15, 30fps
- Recording time: 10 minutes @ 30fps (time depends on record frame rate)
Includes all the Neuro-Vascular features and:
- Single leaf curved collimator
- Three pedal footswitch
- Upgraded x-ray tube cooling
- U.S. 21 CFR Subchapter K
- NFPA 99
- UL 60601-A (CSA/NRTL)
- IEC60601-1 (plus relevant collateral and particular standards)
- Tri-mode 9″/6″/4.5″ (23cm/15cm/11cm) image intensifier
- Minimum central resolution (at the monitor):
- 9″ (23cm): 2.1 lp/mm
- 6″ (12cm): 2.9 lp/mm
- 4.5″ (11cm): 3.4 lp/mm
- DQE: 65% (typical)
- Tri-mode 12″/9″/6″ (31cm/23cm/15cm) image intensifier
- Minimum central resolution (at the monitor):
- 12″ (31cm): 1.5 lp/mm
- 9″ (23cm): 2.1 lp/mm
- 6″ (12cm): 2.9 lp/mm
- DQE: 65% (typical)
- Automatically seeks the subject anatomy anywhere within the imaging field and selects the optimum imaging technique
- Automatically adjust to anatomical size and location
- Provides uniform image quality throughout entire image
- Simplifies operation
- Smart Window:
- Dynamically senses the collimator position and automatically adjusts brightness and contrast to produce high image quality.
- Smart Metal:
- Allows user to adjust automatic brightness and contrast sensitivity levels to metal
- Provides optimum image quality even when metal is introduced to the field
- Tungsten Collimator:
- Denser collimator limits x-ray exposure area
- Reduces scatter radiation
- Improves image detail
- High resolution 1k x 1k CCD camera
- Full frame capture
- Motorized rotation
- On-screen orientation indicator (real-time feedback without fluoro)
- Left-right image reversal
- Top-bottom image invert
- Dual 16″ (41cm) square monitors
- Anti-glare, progressive full frame scan monitor
- Touch screen system control
- 1,000 line high resolution monitors
- Ambient room-light compensation
- 32″ LED Lit LCD Display With Dual Screen Capabilities
- Anti-glare, progressive full frame scan monitor
- Touch screen system control
- 2 Mega Pixel high-resolution output
- Ambient room-light compensation
- 1k x 1k x 16 bit image processing
- Noise filter with on-screen indicator
- Real-time variable edge enhancement
- Automatic digital brightness and contrast control
- Negate mode
- Save and auto-save feature
- Swap and auto-swap feature
- Patient information
- Examination list
- Customized patient information
- Customize functions:
- Workstation set-up
- Mainframe set-up
- Patient information set-up
- Date/time set-up
- DICOM 3.0 interface set-up
- Last image hold
- 63 image storage
- Integrated DICOM interface (store, print, worklist)
- HIPAA SecureView:
- Password protection
- Blank screen function
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